Discover the winners again
Since 2010, between two and three prizes are awarded each year.
Prix Tournesol (sunflower prize)
Awarded by an independent jury, the prize money is € 4,000, plus participation in the Green Film Awards. Films are nominated by the Festival's selection committee.
Prix Tournesol
Prix des Éditions Jouvence
Awarded by the jury of Éditions Jouvence since 2021, this award is endowed with € 4'000.
Prix Jouvence
Prix du Centre Écologique Albert Schweitzer (CEAS)
As of 2023, we are pleased to present this new prize awarded by their jury, again with a prize of € 4'000.
Prix Albert Schweitzer
Prix Greenpeace
From 2010 to 2019, Greenpeace has rewarded ten or so films that are committed to the environment.
Prix Greenpeace